Conference abstracts: ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine (12-14 July 2012, Greece)

Volume 4 (2) 2012 – Conference abstracts

Full text [PDF]

ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine (12-14 July 2012, Greece)

(pp. 143-153)



The ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine was held on 12-14 July 2012, as part of the pre-conference commission seminars of the 30th ISME World Conference “Music Paedeia: From Ancient Greek Philosophers toward Global Music Communities”. This Commission seminar took place at the Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. The abstracts of the pre-conference seminar are republished here with the kind permission of the International Society for Music Education (ISME),