Volume 4 (2) 2012

To download the whole journal issue as a PDF file, click here.
To access individual articles, click on the links below.


In Times of Crisis: Music, Love and Human Life
Giorgos Tsiris (pp. 82-84)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]


Vocal Connections: How Voicework in Music Therapy Helped a Young Girl with Severe Learning Disabilities and Autism to Engage in her Learning
Tina Warnock (pp. 85-92)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Voices: An Inclusive Choir in Dortmund, Germany
Irmgard Merkt (pp. 93-100)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Cross-Cultural Collaboration as Community Growth and Integration: Children’s Music Projects in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Scotland
Hannah Linklater & Lewis Forbes (pp. 101-109)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Reporting on Outcomes: An Adaptation of the ‘AQR-instrument’ Used to Evaluate Music Therapy in Autism
Martin Lawes (pp. 110-120)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Book Reviews

Voicework in Music Therapy: Research and Practice
Felicity Baker & Sylka Uhlig (Editors)
Reviewed by Yasmine A. Iliya (pp. 121-123)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Hearing – Feeling – Playing: Music and Movement with Hard-of-Hearing and Deaf Children
Shirley Salmon (Editor)
Reviewed by Kimberly McCord (pp. 124-125)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Adolescents, Music and Music Therapy: Methods and Techniques for Clinicians, Educators and Students
Katrina McFerran
Reviewed by Sarah Weston (pp. 126-127)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Music Therapy in Schools: Working with Children of All Ages in Mainstream and Special Education
Amelia Oldfield, Jo Tomlinson & Philippa Derrington (Επιμελήτριες)
Από τη Χριστιάνα Αδαμοπούλου (σσ. 128-130)
[Περίληψη] [Πλήρες κείμενο PDF]

Music Therapy and Parent-Infant Bonding
Jane Edwards (Editor)
Reviewed by Elisabeth Georgiadi (pp. 135-138)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Conference Report

30th ISME World Conference: Pre-Conference Commission Seminar on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine
Markku Kaikkonen (pp. 139-142)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

Conference Abstracts

ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine (12-14 July 2012, Greece) (pp. 143-153)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]


New International Publications (2011-2012) (pp. 154-160)

Upcoming Events (pp. 161-162)

Translated Abstracts of Articles (pp. 163-166)