Research and Practice: Right and Wrong – A Joint Conference for Counselling, Psychotherapy and the Arts Therapies – Beth Pickard

Τεύχος 9 (1) 2017 – Conference report (first published on 13 September 2015)

Full text [PDF]

Research and Practice: Right and Wrong – A Joint Conference for Counselling, Psychotherapy and the Arts Therapies

Beth Pickard



Beth Pickard is a Senior Music Lecturer at the University of South Wales, and is graduating this summer from the MA Music Therapy at the University of the West of England, where she received the McMullen Disability Prize for her work on self-identity, neuro-rehabilitation and music therapy. Beth completed her undergraduate studies at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama where she received the Principal’s Award for her research into Music and Down’s Syndrome. Whilst working in education with a focus on additional learning needs and disability, Beth completed an MSc in Applied Psychology of Intellectual Disabilities with the University of Portsmouth. Beth is a trustee of the Birmingham-based charity ‘Melody’ which promotes instrumental tuition and musical opportunities for children and young people who have learning disabilities.
