Book review: “Everyday Music Listening: Absorption, Dissociation and Trancing” (Ruth Herbert) – Reviewed by Giorgos Tsiris

Volume 6 (2) 2014 – Book review

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Everyday Music Listening: Absorption, Dissociation and Trancing (Ruth Herbert)

Reviewed by Giorgos Tsiris


Everyday Music Listening

Everyday Music Listening: Absorption, Dissociation and Trancing
Ruth Herbert
Farnharm: Ashgate (2011)
234 pp., ISBN: 978-1-40942-125-2


Giorgos Tsiris is the founding editor of the journal Approaches: Music Therapy & Special Music Education. He works as a researcher at Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy and as a music therapist at St Christopher’s Hospice (London, UK), while he serves as the coordinator of the Research Network of the British Association for Music Therapy. He is currently conducting his doctoral research on music therapy and spirituality at Nordoff Robbins / City University London.
