Music, Health and Wellbeing (MacDonald, Kreutz & Mitchell, Eds.) — Reviewed by Fleur Hughes

Τεύχος 11 (2) 2019 – Book review (first published on 9 January 2018)

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Music, Health and Wellbeing (Raymond MacDonald, Gunter Kreutz & Laura Mitchell, Eds.)

Reviewed by Fleur Hughes

Title: Music, Health and Wellbeing | Editors: Raymond MacDonald, Gunter Kreutz & Laura Mitchell | Publication year: 2012 | Publisher: Oxford University Press | Pages: 550 | ISBN: 9780-19-969682-7  


Fleur Hughes (MMT, MTA, MT-BC, NMT) completed her Masters in Music Therapy in 2015. Fleur is currently working in Calgary with adults who have a wide range of mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders. She works mainly in Long Term Care Settings. During 2017, Fleur presented and shared examples of her work at two conferences. The Online Conference for Music Therapy (OCMT) and The Improvisation and Mobility Conference and Festival which was held at the University of Regina (U.O.R.). In 2018, she will be starting a PhD in Music.
