Volume 2 (1) 2010

To download the whole journal issue as a PDF file, click here.
To access individual articles, click on the links below.



Cultural Stories in Music Therapy
Giorgos Tsiris (pp. 4-5)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]



Music Therapy and Culture: An Essential Relationship?
Daisy Morris (pp. 6-11)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]



On Developing Policies and Practices in Music Therapy: Personal Reflections from the Experience of Nordoff Robbins in London
Pauline Etkin
Interviewed by Giorgos Tsiris (pp. 12-24)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]

From Out of Our Voices
Diane Austin
Interviewed by Evangelia Papanikolaou (pp. 25-31)
[Abstract] [Full text PDF]


Translated Abstracts of Articles (pp. 32-34)

New Publications in Greece (pp. 35-38)

Upcoming Events (pp. 39-41)