Forms of vitality and microanalysis in music therapy within adult autism: A clinical report — Alberto Balducci

Volume 13 (2) 2021 – Article (first published on 25 January 2020)

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Forms of vitality and microanalysis in music therapy within adult autism: A clinical report

Alberto Balducci


This article examines as a clinical report two years of an ongoing music therapy journey with a young woman with autism. The different phases of the music therapy process are investigated from a relational point of view, explaining the therapeutic choices made by the therapist. The relational content of the sessions is discussed, using the theory of ‘forms of vitality’ as developed by Daniel N. Stern, which is applied to some detailed transcriptions of musical extracts from the sessions. The clinical report implements the theory of ‘forms of vitality’ as a useful tool for analysing the relational processes during the therapy sessions, while microanalysis of musical elements can usefully complement and document this approach, to support therapeutic decisions.  


autism, forms of vitality, microanalysis, music therapy transcription


Alberto Balducci (Engineering degree from Florence University, QiGong operator Diploma from FISTQ, Music Therapy Diploma from Ferrara Conservatory, Erasmus+ MARS specialisation in psychosocial musical interventions) lives in Italy (Toscana). As a music therapist he focuses mainly on autistic spectrum disorders and on general disability with students in public schools. In collaboration with the Music & Resilience project, he provides psychosocial musical interventions for children in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. []